The Beginning of your Eco Home

Why do you want to create an Eco-Friendly home? For me, it all started about 10 years ago. I started to notice all of the toxins and “extras” that were added into our food and household items. I decided that I wanted to create a home environment that was doing its part to help protect our planet while also protecting my own health and wellness. At the beginning I was trying to grow my own food and make as much from scratch as possible. (I.e, sauces, breads, treats) Later this grew into what was meant to be a short term challenge to attempt a plastic free life which still continues to this day 6+ years later. Am I plastic free today? Not entirely but I do make a conscious effort everyday to bring as little into my house as I can.

There is so much to learn and intake when it comes to trying to go “Green”. My biggest advice is to start small and try to not get discouraged and hard on yourself if you are not able to find an alternative or if you are still producing more waste than you were hoping. Everything is a process and if you are putting in the effort and being aware of it, that is an AMAZING start!

Do you find the amount of plastic and waste overwhelming but don’t know where or how to start then I would try to focus on these 3 steps and build them into your routine before trying to tackle too much all at once.

3 Easy Steps to start your own Eco journey

1- Home: Switch to LED Lights and turn them off when not needed
2- Personal: Shop second hand and donate items you aren’t using
3- Food: Have a reusable water bottle and to go Coffee Mug to use when out of the house. Step it up by bringing your own reusable containers to restaurants for take out or leftovers.

This blog will be for sharing my own tips and tricks to reducing your waste as well as ways to create an Eco-Friendly home here in Nelson, BC, The Kootenays or wherever you may call home. Thank you and welcome to the beginning of your journey. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or have a topic that you would like some advice on in further Blog Posts.


11 Easy Steps to an Eco Kitchen